Back to school...

on Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Today, Leah is headed off to her first day of school at our local college to finish her pre-requisites for the Nursing program offered here. We're both very excited that she's going to school to finish what she originally wanted to do before entering YWAM. It should be a good adventure the next three years, Leah will be in school full time the next 2 semesters and then part time next school year. Hopefully getting into the two year Nursing program in Fall 2011. We are both still very much wanting to go back into missions, and sometimes being home and waiting can be the hardest part, but we know that God has a whole lifetime ahead for us and that this is a good waiting/preparation time. We are leaving our options open for what's ahead, we know that at least we would like to visit the "very large asian country", maybe next year. We are also considering doing a TESOL course at the YWAM Montana base to be certified to teach english overseas...just thoughts and dreams at this point.

Leah is looking at possibly using her Nursing to get into midwiffery in the future and using that overseas. I am considering and hoping to learn how to provide clean water and practical technology for third world countries. After drinking water that I saw feces floating in at one time, I can clearly see the need for this in providing health in the simplest form. In reality, we don't really know which direction we'll be headed first or what God has for us in the future but, I really do believe that God leads people through desires and dreams.