A funny thing happened on wednesday this week, I walked outside from working inside someone's trailor house and it hit me, the cold that is. I noticed that it started raining, but it didn't quite sound right. Like the rain was almost bouncing. Oh, that's because there was snow mixed in with the rain. Just last week it was in the mid 80's. The tops of the mountains are white again, the leaves can't fall off the trees quick enough, and the slow descent into winter has begun here in montana, signaling that we have around 8 solid months before we feel the warmth of the sun again.
Leah and I have started going to a small group on wednesdays for married couples (that's not the focus of the group though) and it's been really good so far. We have been going through the book of Phillipians and going through one chapter per week. This last week we were in chapter two and it was talking about how as believers we are as to "shine like stars". I got to thinking about what that really means and the best I could come up with is that there are alot of stars in the sky. And they are all shining into the darkness. It seems that alot of times we (myself included) don't shine like stars into the darkness of our world. In fact alot of times in my experience through work it's usually the christians that display the least Godly like conduct. I think that this speaks volumes to people that aren't christians and reaffirms to them why they don't need to become a christian. That leads me to the next point, how do we shine like stars? Of course we aren't perfect but I think a smile and a nice attitude goes a long way in showing God's love to someone. I think that something we as christians forget often is how we behave in public and in business has a huge affect on peoples view of christians and even God.
14Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe
How many times do I complain or argue (at least in my head) daily? The lack of these things in my life will lead me towards being a pure, blameless child of God.
My friend Billy met up with my DTS leader Andy in a tiny little nation called Bhutan and got to spend time with the underground church there. In my dts over three years ago Andy had just started going to this country and felt that the Lord was calling him to go there every year and invest in this country. In the last four years the number of christians in the country has at least doubled. That is crazy! God is so good.
Click here for a video about bhutan!
Anyway, just thought that I would write something on here since it's been almost a month, man time flies when you're having fun.
Until next time,

that was a really good word, kyle! you are a good writer, ma friend--keep it up!
and keep it real, haha
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