Sorry that it has been far too long since I have updated this. Lack of internet access and free time in the last month has left the blog untouched. I know that interest in it dies quickly if it's not updated regularly so I'll try to keep up.
So, yeah, July 25th was a great day. Getting married is one of the most surreal experiences of your life and it really does feel like a blur...just like everyone say's it will. It was awesome and I really loved our ceremony. Our reception was at a really beautiful museum, and I could barely believe that it was for my wedding. Way nicer wedding than I thought I would ever get. Leah's parents went above and beyond what we expected. We were so amazed that so many of our friends and family could make it. We were really blessed and felt so loved that people would go out of there way to come to our wedding!
thanks Ben for the pictures!
We went to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico on our honeymoon. We were there for ten days at an all inclusive resort called "Dreams". It was an awesome resort that was located outside of town in a cove surrounded by thick jungle. It had a private beach which is really nice because Leah and I are quite the beach snobs after living in Maui with YWAM. We went on two "excursions" while we were there. An ATV offroad adventure and a zip line "canopy" tour.

The ATV's were a blast. We got to ride through little mexican villages, through rivers, and through mud puddles. Luckily it was the rainy season so there was plenty of water! At the end of the tour we had a tequila tasting with about ten different tequilas.

The second excursion was a canopy tour. It was a course set up of zip lines through the jungle. I think there were about ten different zip lines and some of them were about 100 feet up. You would zip line to a platform built in a tree, then they would hook you up to the next zip line and so on. We also rapelled down 90 feet! It was fun because it was the first time I had done either of those things!
I will put up more honeymoon pictures later this week and then some pictures of our new apartment!
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