Leaving YWAM Maui was a bit scary for me, no, it's not that my parents are bad or that life is really that tough at all at home. It's not that the reality of getting married was hitting me. It was the mere fact that I was headed home with no real job leads and not alot of optimism either. I'll admit to freaking out a little on monday and all the worst case scenarios were running through my head. But within 3 days of being home I got a small carpet job. The next day I got a call from another store that said they had a job for me on wednesday. And the same day another lady called me to come do work for her. I put in a full day of work today and it was nice to be back in money making mode after only signing the front of checks for so long! It's crazy to think that I've had to trust God for so many things and in much harder circumstances than this, but it's easy to forget all those times that God did provide. This is just another example of God providing and me not trusting Him enough!
Life is good back at home! Last night my parents, aunt, and grandma all got together in our living room and we had a little family bible study. It was really nice. It was funny, when we first started my aunt said that she had been reading the "book of peter" which is actually two books. But the day before this I was racking my brain for something to do for a bible study and I really felt like the book of 1st Peter was just sticking out to me. Random. It was good to just read through the first chapter and discuss. It took us over 2 hours to get through the first chapter!
My parents ordered "The Truth Project", the series from focus on the family that I had started in Maui as part of our guys staff growth group. I look forward to going through the 13 part series and actually finishing it this time!!!!
Here's a picture from my first day back at work (I am self employed in case you were confused by the previous paragraph)

Here is The Truth Project trailer:
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