
on Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It was just in time, one last project to finish up my time here in Maui. Our living room area needed the floor replaced desperately. The old floor was small pieces of wood in brick pattern that was coming up almost daily. We had a lot of fun doing this. It was hard work and only the third time I've tried my hand at laying tile but it went well and definitely improved the look of our lecture hall/dining area/living room

Fitz pulling up the old floor with me...life's never boring with Ryan Patrick Fitzgerald.

woo hoo it's finally done after three days!


pondering of a pixie said...

wow, kyle, that looks AMAZING! great work!!!

Unknown said...

oh...ohmygosh... i think my heart stopped beating for a second.. so ... beautiful.. ...

Kyle Nelson said...

I figured you would like it Esther! And thank you sue!

ashley la'ren said...

WOW!! It looks amazing, good job fo sure!