Thursday, September 9, 2010
This summer has been an absolutely busy one. Alot of fun, but busy. In May we were offered to move into our friends house(pictures will come soon). They moved to Germany in early august and we moved shortly after they left. We are so thankful to be living in a house now. Seriously.
At the same time of having to move our good friend Andreas (Maxximus) Haupt was visiting us from Switzerland. It was great to catch up with an old friend and have a little vacation time.
After Andi left we had roughly 3 days before Leah's parents arrived. We had an awesome time with Stan and Jeannine going to glacier park, fishing, touring native american museums, going to the amish store, and driving, lots of driving ;) It was nice to have them here and the time really flew by.

Leah has been working as a CNA in a town called Ronan (about 20 minutes from our house). It's not the most glamourous of jobs (wiping butt almost all day) but it's a pre-requisite to get into the nursing program. She starts back in with school on the 27th of September.
Our youth group has been going strong all summer with it's theme..."The Summer of XS" The main idea is that anything that is truely worth doing is worth doing in excess(XS!). We broke down the whole youth group into grades/teams and made a competition out of the summer. We had journals with daily bible reading for everyone to do and write something in, and every week they would have to turn them in to get points for their team. We also did mini one day missions trips that they would get points for if they went. Once every 3 weeks or so we would break down into small groups and have "family time" discussions that allowed everyone to process things and go a little deeper through discussion. In the end, Leah and I's team ended up winning and for the prize we won a trip to a place that has paintball, xbox's, pool, foosball etc to hang out for the day. It really went well and was awesome to see some things "clicking" with kids as they discussed what we've been talking about all summer. We had a corporate sponsor, XS, that donated energy drinks all summer...yeah good times.